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In A Galaxy not that far away.

In A Galaxy not that far away.

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A Lull in the Fighting part deux

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The Sundays effort on the Hobby weekend is the work I’m least happy with, in an effort to save time I did an overall Nuln Oil wash rather than doing an area wash on the darker parts, the overall effect left them a bit grubby, so intend to redo the armour. I also put Agrax Eartshade on their boots to represent walking through the Scarif Jungle.


On returning home I had one last unit of Stormtrooper from my two starter boxes brought two years ago, I had already base coated them with Wrathbone  and the Apothecary White, but just didnt fancy more white, so decided having seen some done red on Facebook, plus Gerry’s comments over the weekend.  So coated them all over in Blood angels red, then dry brushed them with orange.

After doing the Grey undersuit , Black areas and wpns I pin washed the armour lines and joints with Agrax Earthshade.

Wonder if should make them speed 3 as we all know red ones go faster!!

  1. Still need to finish bases, but they were a lot quicker to paint  not much more than  two hours total.

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