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Christmas Napoleonic Challenge

Christmas Napoleonic Challenge

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Getting Ready

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 7
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The two box sets. I'm going to use the minis for Ospreys Chosen Men Skirmish gamesThe two box sets. I'm going to use the minis for Ospreys Chosen Men Skirmish games
84 Minis split up into different units so lots of different colour schemes to do.84 Minis split up into different units so lots of different colour schemes to do.
Perrys always have a good selection of colour guides.Perrys always have a good selection of colour guides.
I have given them all an undercoat and textured and flocked the bases so while I'm away all I have to do is paint them all. Bit of a backwards way of working but I didnt want to take the flock with me.I have given them all an undercoat and textured and flocked the bases so while I'm away all I have to do is paint them all. Bit of a backwards way of working but I didnt want to take the flock with me.

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Cult of Games Member

Really cool project. Looks good already! Very impressive speed. Good luck 🙂

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