Warhammer Fantasy Revisited
More Base Than A Public Enemy Mix Tape...
It’s about at this time in a project that I lose the will to hobby… close to 2 1/2 hours just to paint a plain white on all the bases… I shall endeavour to get a white paint/PVA mix on this evening and sprinkle on some model snow. Then a couple of tufts here and there, painting the base edges as appropriate for each flavour of chaos god, a bit of a tidy up on some of the more excessive varnish pooling and we’re good.
Got in a couple of 500 point games of 6th edition WHFB last night. My first run with the Bretonnians. They got badly mauled when the big block of Orcs made contact so I learned to avoid that uit in game 2. The Bret archers were surprisingly effective, and possibly undercosted given they roll out with longbows and defensive stakes. The men at arms were quite terrible though so I guess that balances thing out a little…
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