Satriale's from the Sopranos
Essere in alto mare
Since my last update
I have firstly, redone the windows
played around with the neon paints which @warren has used recently on his mushrooms – to create the neon signs
and used coffee stirrers as the window blinds (painted red)
I then got a massive parcel from Sarissa and 4ground for bits to go into the cafe.
This included sarissa’s freezer units and a couple of the mall shelves which I probably wont use
4ground bought one of the shopping mall sets for a desk area, 2 sets of diners and chairs and outside chairs and table. Unfortunately I didn’t like the chairs and outside tables they sent as it was far too fiddly to get them together. And to be honest I could see them breaking where the wood/paper was so thin. So I hit up ebay and found a company selling bar and tabl chairs “winterdyne commission modelling”.
as you can see in the last picture, I painted the insides with gray primer, then dry brushed white over the top… luckily the inside of satriale’s looks a bit run down so I wont have to do too much to the walls.
Apart from the murals, which I’ll paint further on the right as well, this is my representation of the below picture
I re-did the pig int he bottom right but you’ll see that in later pictures…
Next I attempted the neon signs in the window, I drew out on paper underneath the plastic, painted over the top lightly first and then dabbed with the paint more as I found the viscosity of the liquid followed the line I had already painted, I did the pig on the first window with “Italian sausage” underneath which is probably best known in the show, the next window I did espresso and the third was artistic liscence. I put ‘Panzerotto’ which is a small fried pizza basically which is famous in the South (Try them they’re great!) this is a long running joke with my girlfriend whose family come from the south and LOVE panzerotto
in the last picture you can see around the espresso sign on the inside red painted coffee stirrer to be the inside curtains of Satriale’s.
For the windows to protect the paint, i glossed over with a satin varnish to protect the paint
The last bit I have to show is the posters, signs et al for satriale’s which is below! The last two pictures are what i am going to use for the floor and a picture with a small glimpse of what the satriales floor is like (if you look near Tony S, you will see a part of the floor.
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