A Year and 7 Months! A 1/172 ancients project.
The Fanatics
The first units I painted up for the Celts were the fanatics. Unfortunately there are no dedicated sets for fanatics on the market. Therefore I went through all the sets I had and chose the most naked figures for these units. In fact, only the Italeri box had several of the same model completely naked.
To further distinguish these models from the rest of the warbands, I decorated them heavily with warpaint. I think they call it wode, but I am not sure.
Unlike the Romans, these units contain 16 figures on a 8cm x 5cm base, in order to represent their warband style of combat. The Roman legionnaires and auxiliaries were 12 figures on a 8cm x 4cm base.
Finally the figures are a mix of Italeri, Caesar and Revell miniatures. I also added some Italeri ancient German warriors into the mix to help distinguish them
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