A Year and 7 Months! A 1/172 ancients project.
How it began.
Three years ago and 4 days, during a Black Friday Sale, I stumbled upon several lots of Italeri Romans and Celts for sale at a hefty discount. At the time, I had my eye on Warlord’s Britannia Supplement for Hail Caesar, which was also on sale.
The Roman invasion of Britain is one of my favorite periods for war-gaming, so I took the dive and bought the miniature lots and the supplement. As the title of the project suggests, I did not start this project straight away, since I was busy painting up my Vikings for Saga and my 10mm elves.
Going through the supplement, I quickly understood that I would need more figures to play out the scenarios as printed, so I calculated how many of each unit I would need and continued to buy accordingly for another few months.
As regards the actual painting, I decided that these two armies were solely for war-gaming purposes, therefore the painting was to be totally practical. I would focus on base colors painted in neatly, followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade and a coat of varish – full stop.
I think it worked well enough for a basic tabletop standard, but I will let the readers decide that.
The end results are in the pictures below.
It all looks fantastic. I do like 1/72 plastics
Thanks. I agree, this scale has a charm all of its own.