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A Year and 7 Months! A 1/172 ancients project.

A Year and 7 Months! A 1/172 ancients project.

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How it began.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

Three years ago and 4 days, during a Black Friday Sale, I stumbled upon several lots of Italeri Romans and Celts for sale at a hefty discount.  At the time, I had my eye on Warlord’s Britannia Supplement for Hail Caesar, which was also on sale.

The Roman invasion of Britain is one of my favorite periods for war-gaming, so I took the dive and bought the miniature lots and the supplement.  As the title of the project suggests, I did not start this project straight away, since I was busy painting up my Vikings for Saga and my 10mm elves.

Going through the supplement, I quickly understood that I would need more figures to play out the scenarios as printed, so I calculated how many of each unit I would need and continued to buy accordingly for another few months.

As regards the actual painting, I decided that these two armies were solely for war-gaming purposes, therefore the painting was to be totally practical.  I would focus on base colors painted in neatly, followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade and a coat of varish – full stop.

I think it worked well enough for a basic tabletop standard, but I will let the readers decide that.

The end results are in the pictures below.


My Roman Force in all its glory!My Roman Force in all its glory!
The fierce and defiant Britons! The fierce and defiant Britons!

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Cult of Games Member

It all looks fantastic. I do like 1/72 plastics

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