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PanzerKaput's Illustrations

PanzerKaput's Illustrations

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Scottish Highland Militia

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Day 14 of my journey into 1938 A Very British Civil War and it is back to the Scottish republic. Shortly after the start of the civil war and the Scottish Government declared itself as a Republic, it took to raising forces to protect itself for the English Royalist/Government forces respond. This did come at the battle of Berwick in which the English were force down and defeated.

The Scottish Republic started to organise and uniform its militia forces using the Covenanter’s of the English Civil War are reference and dress them in Hodden Grey, the traditional colour of the Scottish forces. This chap is a member of one of the highland militias raised and as a such the Republic has reintroduced the Covenanter Tartan for its Government Militias.

Scottish Highland Militia

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Cult of Games Member

I have only just had a chance to look through these, your art and illustrations have always been an inspiration, an whilst I have not dipped my toe into VBCW in a long time,your art work was one of the things that original inspired me to get involved in VBCW (that and knowing Mort). I keep thinking I need to get back and resurrect the Duke of Bedford’s Own Volunteers ( maybe one of your fine illustration of the old Duke himself could inspire me once more ;-)) still keep up the good work ?

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