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A Lannister Always Paints His Armies

A Lannister Always Paints His Armies

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A different project

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5

Seeing it gaining some tracking at the local club, I decided to jump into A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures game. Nice change of pace for myself, as I don’t actively play any other rank-and-file fantasy games and I quite liked the straightforward mechanics but the learn-as-you go complexity the game offers.

First stop was the choice of faction. The game is offering me change of pace, then why not go with the painting too and for something that’s furthest away from what I’ve recently done otherwise. The bright red and gold of Lannisters was exactly that, and after the few demo games and let’s plays online, I quite like how the folks of Casterly Rock are on the table top.

The project itself was a little unusual for me. I typically jump between projects, paint what what ever I feel like and build up armies slow, this time I wanted to get everything ready as quickly as possible and so that I wouldn’t necessarily be returning to this project once the army is battle ready.

Writing this, I’ve in fact painted everything. Now it’s all just to take photos and upload them here.

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lloydguillotinerasmus Recent comment authors
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A great collection of @lloyd shots – and great painting

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