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Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

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Lesser Stone Elementals

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 3
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I puzzled over how to add creatures into a Dwarven army as I didn’t think most natural creatures would fit the theme. I was able find some elementals from Deep Cuts that would suit the bill for more magical creatures and decided to use them.

I imagine that right before a battle, the army’s wizards conjure up a suitable number of elementals that are then turned loose on the enemy.

Technically called a Medium Earth Elemental, these minis are from Wiz Kids Parhfinder range.  Technically called a Medium Earth Elemental, these minis are from Wiz Kids Parhfinder range.
Here I’ve based the minis already, leveled the base with basing compound and affixed the sand to the base. Here I’ve based the minis already, leveled the base with basing compound and affixed the sand to the base.
I’ve primed them using Army Painter Crystal Blue. This is the same color used for the orb of the wizard’s staff. I’ve primed them using Army Painter Crystal Blue. This is the same color used for the orb of the wizard’s staff.
Here I’ve started to dry brush the mini with GW Eshin Grey. Here I’ve started to dry brush the mini with GW Eshin Grey.

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