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PanzerKaput's Illustrations

PanzerKaput's Illustrations

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Barr Ghillie

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6

Day Eleven of the tour of the world of 1938 A Very British Civil War and it is the turn of the British Union of Fascists again. The BUF managed to raise a number of Legions, in truth not more at company level but some where much larger, across the UK in defence of the realm, Parliament and the King. These chaps in there black shirts of the Action Press uniforms struck across the land but not these where bully boys and jackbooted thugs, some where but because of the Fascist politics which many saw as very un-British.

This chap is of one of the Scottish Legions and is a special man. Very much into a healthy life and mind, Barr gillie believed in promoting an active life and loved to where shorts regardless of the weather.

Barr Ghillie

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Cult of Games Member

@panzerkaput – on the artwork side, great work on the folds in the fabric. Something I always struggle with. My figures wind up looking like they’re wearing cardboard or chainmail (too simplistic in the fold / binding or overwrought and too complex). Does this setting have any American volunteers? I only ask because the late 30s and early 40s saw American volunteers sticking their noses in conflicts all over the world, Spain 1936, Finland 1939, China 1937-41, Battle of Britain 1940, etc … Some bored American would-be Rambos with too much money / free time on their hands would surely… Read more »

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