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REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

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Tutoring 4
Skill 11
Idea 8

Well I got hold of BlackSeas with the thought of adding a new dimension to my war of independence. I dont know too much about the naval engagements of the war apart from the fact that it was still a British vs french affair for the most part.Once I opened the box I put the ships together and painted them up and forgot about them for a month. Than I had a day off and thought how about that rigging. Oh God why did I do it. Because it looks ok at the end. I spent most of the day doing one with my sausage fingers. The second one was much quicker. Once you get going it’s a faster experience but God it’s tedious. Only 8 more to go. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Stringy bits doneStringy bits done
Finished model. A bit ratty but it will do for first attempt at rigging.Finished model. A bit ratty but it will do for first attempt at rigging.
Do I really have to do all of them?Do I really have to do all of them?

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Cult of Games Member

Great expansion in the American Revolution, @denzien – although those ships indeed look like a lot of work. Re: French and British, it sounds like you’re talking about the Battle of Chesapeake Capes, which would iundeed look epic on a gaming table. American “naval” action in this war (as I’m sure you know) was mostly privateers – USS Bonhomme Richard, etc. The plus side there would be you only need two ships or so at a time. The only other exception with which I’m familiar is the Battle of Valcour Island (11 October 1776) – although these wouldn’t be the… Read more »

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