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1991 Desert Storm - Iraqi Army Progress

1991 Desert Storm - Iraqi Army Progress

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Detail Painting Progress

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
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With the earlier screw ups corrected and painting / washing re-done, I was finally able to put some time toward forward progress on this 1991 USMC Desert Storm force.

Again, the kits being used are the Ryan’s Leathernecks, LAV-25 Platoon, and US Infantry Platoon from Battlefront’s Team Yankee.  However, I am not creating a 1985 Germany Team Yankee Force, but a historical 1991 Gulf War force.  Therefore, the painting schemes are very different and some kit-bashing modifications will be made.

Absolutely nothing against the kits themselves, I’m just using them for something else.

The three USMC M60A1 MBTs.  Now these will see rather heavy modification later on as I add Gulf War-era ERA (explosive reactive armor) panels.The three USMC M60A1 MBTs. Now these will see rather heavy modification later on as I add Gulf War-era ERA (explosive reactive armor) panels.
Taillights, headlights, stowage kit, fuel cans, muddy brown beneath the chassis ... Still needs a little touch up and dry brush.  Markings will go primarily on the ERA panels.Taillights, headlights, stowage kit, fuel cans, muddy brown beneath the chassis ... Still needs a little touch up and dry brush. Markings will go primarily on the ERA panels.
LAV 25s.  Three with M2HB HMGs, one with a mortar, one with a ITV TOW-II ATGW launcherLAV 25s. Three with M2HB HMGs, one with a mortar, one with a ITV TOW-II ATGW launcher
Hopefully my approximation of 1991 Desert Storm camoflage on the crew is coming out.  Of course the pattern is not Hopefully my approximation of 1991 Desert Storm camoflage on the crew is coming out. Of course the pattern is not "to scale" - but from "table eye" distance it definitely conveys the idea.
HMMWVs, four with M2HB HMG, one with Mark 19 AGL, one with TOW ATGW launcher.  HMMWVs, four with M2HB HMG, one with Mark 19 AGL, one with TOW ATGW launcher.
Again, I'm actually kind of happy with how the desert camo on the crew is coming out.Again, I'm actually kind of happy with how the desert camo on the crew is coming out.

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