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The Bruce's Decent into Madness & Comic Style Painting

The Bruce's Decent into Madness & Comic Style Painting

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The frustrations of waiting...waiting...waiting

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

A simple entry today just to explain the delay, as I am attempting to replicate the look and feel of a certain style there are certain colours I’ve either never used or ran out of that I needed to replace. I’ve made the order over the weekend mostly Citadel but a reaper paint as well. Just waiting for them to arrive tomorrow and we can get moving again.


Sorry for a bit of a dull entry today but if you havent seen the below do check it out and I use this as a reminder that you should find new ways to challenge yourself either by trying something you havent done or trying to improve something you’ve been struggling with.

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Jason "The Bruce"phaidknott Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I’m not sure if you’re going with keeping a comic book style pallet (ie plain vivid colours), OR attempting to do some “Cell Shaded” style painting. The later is one technique I’d LOVE to master, but it’s probably one of the most difficult to do (yet becomes a very quick way to paint minis once you have mastered it. For inspiration, take a look here…..

Some “how to”

This last one isn’t a mini, but a good idea on the basics of cell shading.

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