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Army Hospital Corp

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Before they get a face lift. I for some reason painted the blankets red, that needed to change and I want them on a more of a scenic base I can use as an objective.Before they get a face lift. I for some reason painted the blankets red, that needed to change and I want them on a more of a scenic base I can use as an objective.
Round base sorted. Perry do a good line in camp life minis for most of their ranges that add something to a battlefield.Round base sorted. Perry do a good line in camp life minis for most of their ranges that add something to a battlefield.
I gave the paint job a fresh lick and based it up. This set is for the Sudan but a change of helmet and they'd be good for Zulu if painted differently I gave the paint job a fresh lick and based it up. This set is for the Sudan but a change of helmet and they'd be good for Zulu if painted differently
Sorted out the blanket colour to something a little more government issue.Sorted out the blanket colour to something a little more government issue.
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'Is Smith shirking again? Get up man it's just a spear wound to the chest''Is Smith shirking again? Get up man it's just a spear wound to the chest'
'Another one with heat stroke sir''Another one with heat stroke sir'
'spot of medicinal brandy should do the trick.'spot of medicinal brandy should do the trick.

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