Manda's (Amachan) Gaming Table, Fantasy/Historical Scatter Pieces
Brightspear's Tower Progress
This is the Brightspear’s Tower from Fenris Games. I started with a 130mm MDF base, I bevelled the edges and sealed it using filler. I then glued it to the base. I smoothed the transition between the resin piece and the base with some DAS modelling clay.
I primed the whole model in black and then basecoated it with Vallejo Model Air Rust (71.080).
To start of is an overbrush of Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey (70.869) over all the stonework and a coat of Secret Weapon Wash Algea (W013) over the stone and the wood. I then applied a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Medium Sea Grey (70.870) followed by a lighter drybrush of Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119) over the stone. For the wood I applied a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Mahogany Brown (70.846) over the bar above the door and the floor on the roof and then a drybrush of Vallejo Panzer Aces Old Wood (70.310) over the door, the hatch on the roof and the sticking out wooden supports. To finish off the painting I painted the metal bits on the door with Vallejo Metal Color Burnt Iron (77.721) followed by a coat of Vallejo Model Wash Rust (76.506).
A baselayer of 3 tones of flock went down as I did before. Once that was dry and I shook off the excess I started little tufts, clump foliage and a bit of ivy to the tower.
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