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Aurorainbags Dunkeldorf

Aurorainbags Dunkeldorf

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Linus Witzner

Tutoring 13
Skill 16
Idea 16
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Linus Witzner
Linus Witzner

I can’t begin to describe how incredibly honored I am that Linus has been given ‘my name’. So the minute my pledge arrived, he was the first to be painted. And what an absolute joy to paint. The details are amazing, and there’s still enough ‘flat’ areas to add your own touch.

After watching Kujo Paintings tartan tutorial: I decided to spice up his coat on the inside. Wanna get better with my freehand, and this was the perfect excuse. So while not following the tutorial to the letter, I really like the end result, with the amount of time I put into it.

Also wanted a more ‘textured’ feel to the outside of the coat, so did a little stipling, And really like the soft feel it added.

Have been buying some terrain scatter stuff, like fireplaces and the like. And wanted to use it as backdrop for my Dunkeldorf stuff, but haven’t gotten around to paint any of it yet. So did feel a little sad, it would be another ‘portrait’ image. Until I realized I had the perfect furniture of all times. Hero Quest!

(yes! I do realise he’s on a wooden floor base, and it’s stone on the terrain. Haven’t received the wooden flooring for this terrain yet)

Paint recipe. As always mostly Scale75 unless otherwise noted

  • Skin: Corpse Pale (AP), Harvester Flesh, Felsh Wash (AP), Basic Flesh, Moonray Flesh
  • Eyes: Moonray Flesh + White Sands, Nuln Oil (GW), Innsmouth Blue, SS Dunkelgelb 44
  • Tartan: Deep Red, Mars Orange, SS Dunkelgelb 44, Nacar
  • Shirt & Trousers: SS Dunkelgelb 44, Nuln Oil (GW), Nacar
  • Coat: SS Dunkelgelb 44, Corpse Pale (AP)
  • Leather: Brown Leather, Strong Tone (AP), SS Camo Top Lights
  • Yellow: SS Camo Ocher Brown, Flesh Wash (AP), SS Camo Top Lights
  • Metal: Victorian Brass, Strong Tone (AP), Elven Gold
  • Socks: Thar Brown, Flesh Wash (AP), Corpse Pale (AP)
Close ups of the tartan. Really please with the outcome for how quickly it was to makeClose ups of the tartan. Really please with the outcome for how quickly it was to make
Linus Witzner

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rickabod41 Recent comment authors
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that tartan work is absolutely amazing!
My word, you must have A) amazing brush control B) amazing eye sight!

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