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PanzerKaput's Mortal Gods

PanzerKaput's Mortal Gods

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More Objective Markers and more Peltast

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4

In Mortal Gods some to the scenarios played require objective markers. these can be anything as long as they fit on a 40mm base. So these give a little opportunity to create a little story or moment in time and I have for this one.

Before the Spartans started using the iconic Lambda (Λ), standing for Laconia or Lacedaemon, Spartans painted there shields like the rest of the Greeks. Each warrior would paint a symbol or device on there shield to mark them mark on the battlefield. Most painted large, colourful designs on there shields but one painted a life size bee on his shield. Everyone laughed at the bee saying why, the warriors reply was simple, when you are up close it will be large enough to see.

I have based this shield, which actually I think is a mirror for Warbases, on this story.

I have also added more Peltast because a; I love Peltast and b; I don’t have enough of them, this makes four stands now and I will play a game was nothing but light troops against Hoplites.

These guys are again from Victrix, which I think are some of the best on the market, and these are actually taken from a Republican Roman box, look at the javelins and you can see that. I wanted a bit of variety and these guys dont really look that much different to Greeks, a tunic is a tunic.

I have added the peltast shields to them for finish the look.

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Cult of Games Member

Really nice objective marker. The weathered look and the blood looks excellent. And got to love the bee story 😀

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