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Manda's (Amachan) Gaming Table

Manda's (Amachan) Gaming Table

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Small Woods #1 Progress

Tutoring 9
Skill 8
Idea 7
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This is the first small woods piece for my table, I first cut and bevelled a base out of ePVC foamboard for it. I then started cutting and carving little bits of expanded polystyrene to create some elevations. On top of that I glued bases for trees to go in. I covered the woods in a layer of filler to smooth out the surface, now when it’s dry I can start painting.

I sanded the surface a little to get rid of any big anomalies. I then tried to paint the hill with my airbrush using the same paint I used to paint my table. Not a great success. I had to thin the paint which at that point was just tinted thinner before I was happy enough to put it through my airbrush. I need to either use a proper airbrush paint or go for cheap spray cans for this.

Small Woods #1 Progress

The rocks first got an overbrush coat of Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey (70.869) and then coated the rocks with a coat of Secret Weapon Wash Algea (W013). After this I applied a heavy drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Medium Sea Grey (70.870) followed by a drybrush of Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119).

Small Woods #1 Progress

I added a bit of Vallejo Earth Texture Dark Earth (26.218) in the lowered centre area of the woods. After it dried I added a drybrush of Vallejo Panzer Aces Light Mud (70.315) over the earth and when that was dry I added a layer of AK Interactive Diorama Terrains Muddy Ground (AK8017) in the centre of the earth texture.

I covered most of the earth with some watered down PVA glue and I did the base layer of flock with the 3 tones. The darker in areas of shade, the lighter in areas of light and then a mid tone covering it all after that. Before the flock I did sprinkle a couple of leaves around the trees as well. When this was dry and the excess was shaken off I added some clump foliage and tufts around places to hide damages or just where I felt it would fit. After this has dried I sprayed it with watered down PVA to seal everything in and once that is dry I added a bit of AK Interactive Diorama Puddles (AK8028) on the ground in the centre to create some puddles. When this has dried the piece should be done.

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