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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Pirates Done

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 3

A quick bit of painting, varnishing and detail and I have the remaining pirates finished. I’ll concede that the battle standard may be a just a little on the large side but I guess it will be easy to differentiate form the normal unit standards. Was a printed design with aluminium foil glued within for structure and wrapped around a metal spear as I trust the metal ones to not snap during normal gameplay.

Also finished off my Middenheim BSB and Dogs of war Paymaster, so rounding out three forces this weekend. Now just need to knock over the rest of the Chaos…

Second tranche of the pirates force.Second tranche of the pirates force.
Middenheim BSB and Dogs of War Paymaster - both minis from MOM MiniaturesMiddenheim BSB and Dogs of War Paymaster - both minis from MOM Miniatures
My 'to do' pile for the next six weeks.My 'to do' pile for the next six weeks.

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evilsturayzryr Recent comment authors
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Great work Stu!
The flags a little bit big, but he probably brought it from the ship anyway ?

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