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I failed myself - or have I?

I failed myself - or have I?

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And now some colours

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 9

So now I’ve had a bit time to get to know the miniatures and actually had played one game. What to do next? Slap paint on them!

I took a long and hard look at both minis from the Beginners Box and the Griffin gave me some headache. The Wolverine screamed at me what it wanted to be painted like and I couldn’t find any pictures of another Wolverine being painted like that. And what I mean by “that” will be revealed later.

Today I’m going to show you what my brain had made me do. I give you:

The Cyber Griffin

Yeah, not the coolest name but I like the way the mini turned out. Primed black, edge highlights with “Alien Purple” (Army Painter) and highlighted again with “Alien Purple” mixed with a bit of “Skull White” (Citadel Colour).

After that the glass in the cockpit got some “Blood Red” (Citadel Colour) and the arm mounted gun was done with a mix of “Matt Black” (Army Painter) and “Boltgun Metal” (Citadel Colour). As a finishing touch the red got a wash of “Red Tone” (Army Painter) with a bit of “Lahmian Medium”(Citadel Technical) mixed in.

Now you may wonder why I’ve made multiple images. I’ve used to different apps on my smartphone and I want you to chime in and comment on with pictures are better. 🙂

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horati0nosebl0werlimburgerRobert Recent comment authors
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The last three photos look sharper but darker to my untrained eye.

Cult of Games Member

The 3 at the bottom look better.
Black is black in those, whereas the first set looks a bit too blue.

And of those 3 the side shots are the best of the series.
I think that’s because the light isn’t bouncing of his top panels.

What app did you use ?
Google Photos has a sort of ‘auto-fix’ option in the editor that sometimes manages to make pictures look better.

However I’ve noticed that using a proper camera and lightbox has drastically improved the quality and the speed at which I achieve that.

Cult of Games Member

Agreed on the tone of colors. I also see in the background that there are some familiar minis getting fleshtones put on.

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