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Time for a Change of Gears

Time for a Change of Gears

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So I have two piles of hobby here ... time to put a dent in both of them.

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 5

So I have two piles of hobby here … time to put a dent in both of them.

The big M60A1 (USMC – Desert Storm) – gifted to my by my brother Ben.  1:36 scale (54mm approx).  Needs a lot of cleanup, repair on broken suspension, touch up on paint, and replacement reactive ERA panels fabricated.

The big M41 Walker … also needs a new wheel fabricated.

The small US M24 Duster AA tank (15mm approx) to add to my 15mm Vietnam army, needs some repair on stowage bins.

T-72, Iraqi, 1991 Gulf War, 20mm.  Needs a little repair on the DShK and other touch up, add to my 20mm Moderns Collection.

UH-60 Blackhawk, 20mm (yes, that sucker is the same scale as the T-72!)  Needs a little repair on the MGs and landing gear. add to my 20mm Moderns Collection.

Tiny 10mm DZC commander tank – I have to fabricate a new turret of some kind with it.

Boat – originally a Sea World “wildlife rescue” boat or some such, it’s perfect 20mm scale, started conversion to a military boat of some sort … time to finish that ****er up as well.

Finally, the new Desert Storm Army I’ve been talking about for the better part of a year and still haven’t done.  Includes Team Yankee’s RYAN’S LEATHERNECKS (I’ll have to build ERA panels for the M60A1s and of course paint them in desert scheme) – a Marine Infantry Platoon – a Marine LAV-25 platoon, and a box of Syrian Armor and APCs/IFVs I can convert into the T-55s / Tyoe 59s the Marines encountered at places like Al-Khafji and the southern approaches into Kuwait – February 1991

Oh, and booze.  Yeah, booze.  It’s been that kind of week, that kind of month, that kind of year.  I’m putting a dent in that sumbitch as well.

And I’m going to keep dent both of these piles until both are gone, as fast as possible.

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Cult of Games Member

*Lives in Florida, drinks Hurricane Bacardi…*
“Hey, Fate, screw you, bitch”
Is it an offering to the weather god’s, you have to drink it to appease them?

Enjoy the ‘me time’, mate.
I have some DZC stuff in a box gathering dust if it’s any use to you?

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