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Levarius' Droid Army

Levarius' Droid Army

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Priming the Clankers!

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
Halfords Primers, large range and great value!Halfords Primers, large range and great value!

With the clankers built (the longest part of this whole process!…) I needed to decide how to prime and paint them. There were lots of good examples on the Star Wars Legion Facepage group where people had used the Skeleton Horde contrast paint to great effect. I wanted a similar colour, but with a slightly different tone. So rather than use a GW spray (sorry wraithbone you’re too expensive) I spayed them with a Halfords Primer ‘Rover Sandalwood Beige’. It’s a go too colour for me for anything that needs to be a sandy yellow

You need to be a little careful as the primer is a bit glossy, however some short quick sprays of matt varnish solve that!

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levariusDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Thanks for posting this.

I’m doing Droids for the upcoming Hobby Weekend and i’ll be referring to your project build when I get started.

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