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Infinity Beyond Icestorm - Assembly

Infinity Beyond Icestorm - Assembly

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Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 6
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This first model is the Kriza Borac…and for the assembly I used:

  • Sculpy Souffle  oven-bake clay to make the custom textured base topper, using…
    • A Green Stuff World (GSW) ‘Mesh’ textured rolling pin
    • GSW Silicone Rings (5mm and 4mm) to make the rolling a bit easier
    • GSW Round Cutters (40mm)…primarily to make centering the embossed design easier
  • GSW Brown Stuff for gap filling
  • Army Painter 3m Razor wire and Battlefield Rocks

I’ve had good luck with using oven-bake clays with these rollers. The material is far less tacky than epoxy putties, and the Souffle product holds detail very well. Once baked, the material is very easy to carve with a hobby knife, and is microscopically porous, so adhesives bond well.

I’ll be detailing the entire process with the remaining miniatures in this set…followed by a separate project to chronicle the painting of them :).

I hope to achieve an end result similar to the Alguaciles below, which were primed with a zenithal technique with an airbrush, pre-shaded, and then painted with a homemade ‘contrast-like’ process with a single coat for most areas (no shading or highlighting). In the end, I’m trying to develop a process to produce a good tabletop standard with minimal effort and expense :).

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Cool I’ll be following this along as I’m hoping to do something similar for my infinity forces, including the zenith and paint step, I was thinking of liquitex inks for it.

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