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REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

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Rhode Island Continentals

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
Rhode Island Continentals

Another box of continental infantry painted up.This time as a regiment from Rhode Island. I found a nice image of a chap dressed up as one which helped with the paint job. The minis are Warlords old Wargames factory range which I’m not a fan of. I find them fiddly to put together and to similar to their British range. I prefer the perry box set but Warlord do a militia set which is the easiest way to bulk up my militia forces.

Rhode Island Continentals

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firelock22denzienoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

@denzien – epic new regiment. I always liked the brown and red for American continentals rather than the “blue and buff” that always winds up in the movies.


I know the chap in question. An excellent Living Historian. Agree with @oriskany, the brown faced red always looks good

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