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Learning Photoshop with Valour and Victory

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Having a Go at Blucher

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
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Jim has bough up playing other types of games using his Excel method so i though I’d have a go at some Blucher Cards.

This was much easier than I thought since they just give you blanks to work with.


Their Style of Card that you can buy Hard Copies ofTheir Style of Card that you can buy Hard Copies of
My go at something Similar. ignore any numbers or symbols those are not important right nowMy go at something Similar. ignore any numbers or symbols those are not important right now

I’ll do some French Infantry, Both Artillery, French Dragoons and maybe some Portuguese later tonight.

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Cult of Games Member

There you go, @elessar2590 – I think people will be slightly surprised to see how easy this often is (coverting table games to some sort of 2D online platform). The one tough part for me … cards. We sort of “beat” this mechanic with AirWar C21, but it’s a little awkward (at least with solutions I’ve come up with so far). So glad to see others giving it a go! 😀

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