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Paint it or Punt it

Paint it or Punt it

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On Being Broken

Tutoring 5
Skill 3
Idea 9

I wrote this post a while ago and have been to ?? to make it public. I’m doing a little better right now and want to track this journey honestly though so here we go.

According to the OTT notifications, it has been 6 months and 3 weeks since I was on this site ?

If I had being paying attention maybe I’d have realised something was going on but as is often the case, the mental health slip and slide starts gently and it isn’t until I was up Shit Creek that I noticed what was happening. I’ve withdrawn from things I love, socialising has become an insurmountable task, I’m sleeping all the time and most days are a struggle to get up and go to work in a job that I know I love but I don’t feel anything for right now. I’m taking the professional steps to address it but it is also about time to do some small things.

I’m one of those gamers who really prefers painting over playing most of the time. I love sitting down, putting on an audiobook or a podcast and disappearing into models. It blocks out the world which right now seems like a good thing. I haven’t put paint to a model since March 2019 because… well, because depression sucks the love out of everything.

The Pledge

Every morning I’m going to drag myself out of my bed, make a cup of tea and sit and do at least 30 minutes of hobby before I even contemplate the rest of the day. It’s not going to be easy but it is a small thing I can take control over.

I’m broken right now but I know that this hobby can help me.

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Cult of Games Member

First of all, great idea and I’m in. At least 30 mins on a Burrows and Badger character every morning.
Keep us up to date with your progress and I will do the same.
It took courage for you to post this and I really hope you are feeling better soon.

Cult of Games Member

What a healthy idea for getting through the struggle. I understand where you are coming from and applaud your choice and courage. May your brush bring a fun war band and distraction until you are firmly on your feet again.

Cult of Games Member

Just found this project and I have realized how long I gone without my much needed mental health hobby breaks. Clean up the hobby area and get back at it. Thanks for opening up, it helps everyone when we do.

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