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Conquest Household Knights

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I am in diffent stages of painting the Houehold nights they have been sprayed GW black primer.

After its dryed use Vallejo white for the cloth areas of the models 3 times to get a brighter coats of the Yellow colour.

After the cloth areas are dry I then applied 3 different yellows starting with Vallejo medium Yellow with a couple of light coats/ layers

Followed then with Vallejo Amarillp Dorado Yellow also with a couple of light coats/ layers

Lastly Citadel Yriel Yellow 2/3 coats

Next the amour is painted with Vallejo Gris Metalizado Gun Metal 2 coats after that dries I have lightly am dry brushing P3 Quick Silver

At this early stage of painting Im not that concerned about how neat I’m been as that will be cleaned up as I go along and that’s where I’ve got up to with Household Knights more to come soon.

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