Painting Big Trouble in Little China
Guardians part 2
Once the paint was dry, I added the last details. Beginning by highlighting the skin etc. I simply added P3 Morrow White to my previous mixes right until the moment it was almost white. Those disgusting things are quite slimy so I wanted the skin to look glistening. So the highlight was pushed almost to white.
I then added Citadel Carroburg Crimson in all the little eyes and the main ones. This was followed by pure Morrow White for the eyeballs per se. Once that was dry I added Citadel Fuegan Orange around the perimeter of the eyeballs and Citadel Yellow Glaze. I simply let that do its job. I only painted irises for the two main eyes and added a specular white highlight everywhere. And with that the Guardins were done.
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