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PanzerKaput's Mortal Gods

PanzerKaput's Mortal Gods

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Athenian Hoplites

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 3

Here are my Athenian Hoplites, that is heavy armoured troops in armour, be it bronze breastplate or linothorax, basically linen armour, and a Shield and Helmet. These are classified as Heavy armoured troops in Mortal Gods and are the kings of the battlefield.


I have gone with the same colour pattern of the Peripoloi with the blue for Athens as it the colour most associated with Athens and also makes them stand out from the Spartans in their Red and may generic Greek City State is there multi colours.

I still have the shield to do but I am very happy of the overall and i think it gives a lovely uniformed look to the force.

Next up for them is some light infantry including Slingers, Archers, Javelin-men and Peltast.

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Cult of Games Member

You’ve done a fine job of these

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