Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements
Poland 1939: Panzer Leader Games
A while ago, my friend @yavasa and I resolved to undertake a project we felt was pretty special. We wanted to “sound the starter gun” on the 80th Anniversary of World War II, with some commemorative publications and wargames centered on the official opening of the conflict, Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939.
September 1, 2019 marks the 80th anniversary of that fateful morning.
Over the next few weeks we’ll be putting up a series of write ups, battle reports, wargames, documents, maps, and photos to put a spotlight on this often overlooked and misunderstood opening chapter of the Second World War.
We wanted to do this as a forum thread instead of a project or an article series so we could invite participation from the community as well. Where have you done Poland on the table top, game board, or even computer screen? What documentaries, books, magazine articles, or wargames have you found insightful on the topic? What stories have you heard, what questions do you have?
All good stuff!
Thanks for sharing it with us all. ??
Great idea to mark this anniversary!