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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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Look out, it's Shredder Steve!

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Look out, it's Shredder Steve!

Shredder Steve is a bit annoyed. Not only has he been ordered to put on his regulation trousers by Auntie Claws but he got up too late and missed breakfast.

Fairly simple paint job on this one, I’ll very likely go back to him for a bit of highlighting and maybe some drybrushing on the fur. I discovered that almost all of my paintbrushes are knackered into an L-shaped fork so I didn’t want to push my luck any further.

It’s my first time using a brown undercoat instead of the normal black and it has been distinctly OK, the army painter spray I have has a much longer range than my citadel ones do so it was a bit easy to accidentally lay it on thick – you can see the rough finish on the axe blade especially.

It’s been a while but I’ve made some new friends who have jumped into the game with both feet so it’s new warband and impending campaign time!

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