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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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OK, where was I?...

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5

So, now that I’m through the busy period at work, should be able to get stuck back in to the hobby in earnest. Haven’t had time to do too much painting until the last week or so, but have gotten a bit of assembly done so plenty to get on with when I have capacity.

Currently on my workbench:

High Elf Sea Patrol – most of the colours down, need a second pass on the mahogany colour for the bows, second coat of dark grey on the cloth, red on the gems, a coat of tan for hair colouring, black on to the shields and then ready to dip. Just need to base after that. Then finish the dragon and boats to go with.

Chaos Nurgle – 2 units with great weapons (courtesy Avatars of War minis, with a few GW characters to bulk the units up to a full 20 each). Got the dip on these this weekend so just a final detail pass then good to base and varnish. Same scheme as the earlier Nurgle project so while I haven’t done a compare should sit alongside well enough (feel free, dear reader, to call out the irony of being concerned about an inconsistent/non-uniform paint scheme in an army literally called ‘chaos’…).

Pirates – one block of 15 as a test unit progressed as far as the dip stage. 25 more crew assembled and primed (to bulk up to 2 units of 20 total) plus 2 units of 10 gunners, again assembled and primed. Have another box of Frostgrave GA crew inbound so will split them into 2 groups and make a unit of swashbucklers and a unit of grog lubbers. Have a metal Reaper mini to use as a Captain and will convert a standard bearer for the army too. Still think this will be sitting pretty low on the count points-wise but it’s been good fun and I can add to it later.

And a pair of wizards, one for my Middenheim force and one for the Dogs of War project. Plus minis and monsters for Rangers of Shadow Deep but this project thread is all about Warhammer…

And stuff I have assembles and stashed for later progress:

Norse – From memory I have a unit of marauders, 2 units of reavers, a unit of shield maidens, a unit of berserkers and a unit of hunters assembled and primed. Plus assorted characters. Plenty of scope to add big beasties later courtesy of the Reaper Bones line.

Albion – Had a bunch of old Wargames Foundry and Warlord Celts which fit the mark here, should nicely work with SPQR too so happy synergies. Have assembled primed and done a base airbrush of skin tones on 3 units of foot, a unit of slingers, 2 small cavalry squadrons  and 2 chariot squads. Also have a couple of warhound packs. Still have minis left over on the sprues so might add some javelin armed skirmishers for variety/tactical flexibility.

Chaos – yeah, more… Picked up some preloved minis, stripped restored and re-primed. My bits box is just about running dry but I think once this lot is all painted up I think I’ll be good as I’ll have enough to single-handedly re-create the Storm of Chaos campaign… Well maybe not quite but even I’m prepared to admit that things are starting to get silly… Another 2 units of 15 foot each for the 4 chaos gods, a block of knights for Nurgle (going to do these guys in yellow rather than green just because it will be fun – will run them as a chosen unit to differentiate), 2 Khorne chariots, and a unit of Tzeentch knights, plus some converted characters on foot. All assembled, primed and given an airbrush colouring in their relevant flavour of chaos.

So with 4 months left in the year unsure how far through that lot I’ll get. Really keen to switch back to progressing some historical stuff so might end up genre-hopping a little. Time permitting will try to take some photos next weekend to show proof of progress…

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Avernosevilstu Recent comment authors
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love it, WFB is still one of my favourite settings and systems. I have 100 odd of the AoW minis to get through myself, although they’ll probably end up as Kings of War Revenants and Varangrrr, so I can’t wait to see what you’ve done with yours.

What historicals are you planning on doing?

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