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The Road to Falaise Bobs on going 15mm WW2 Adventure

The Road to Falaise Bobs on going 15mm WW2 Adventure

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The wonderful thing about Tiggers!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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Dont usually do a mid week update, but on my new mid week break, got quite a bit of bitty stuff done, did all but varnishing on M18’s and last bit of Kellys Heroes( will do a full update an post on what are you painting forum on them)

Did the texturing on British infanry platoon below and varnished the Germans pre flocking.

But the important , started work on my Tiggers, Now got to say the Battlefront Tigers are glorious models and a lot easier to put together than they look on instructions

So having done the base Zandri Dust coat and overall wash with Agraz Earthshade with dry brush of dust again over top, time to camouflage them.

As they were in independent Battalions and not part of Panzer Lear wanted a different camouflage for them, with the 3 I had built I also added the Sturmtiger and the 2x 105 Stugs for anti/infantry support.


What I had in mindWhat I had in mind

Now I’d love to say I copied above, but in actual fact went by gut feeling and only after the even did I find I had something close.

As I wanted that the same effect as I got with the blotch scheme on the other tanks I 1stly added  stripes of Athonisan Camoshade, starting with the Sturmtiger (in case got it wrong easiest to re do)

The wonderful thing about Tiggers!
The wonderful thing about Tiggers!

The original plan was for the green stripes to start on the right and fade as they got to left side and the vise versa with the brown stripes using Agrax Earthsade, but space and the fact it didnt look right made me go all across for both

The wonderful thing about Tiggers!
The wonderful thing about Tiggers!

I again dry brushed Zandri Dust over the top to fade them down a bit and ended up with a simpler (needed on 15mm models) effect to the one above.

I should be able to finish the painting stage by Sunday so will add to this entry then.

Saturday update

Finishing them after all the work on Wednesday was fairly quickly done so here they are ready for decals.

The wonderful thing about Tiggers!
The wonderful thing about Tiggers!
The wonderful thing about Tiggers!

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Very cool buddy

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