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Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem

Odds, Sods n ......Stuffs. A Medley of Mayhem

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Blast from the past

Tutoring 3
Skill 9
Idea 5
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Recently had an awesome commission come across my desk which was a seriously cracking blast from the past adn my youth – Some Dredd minis from Foundry!!!

Judges Dredd, Anderson & ofc the quintessential bad guy Judge Death!!

The 2000ad range from foundry is now OOP but Warlord now has the rights andfollowing on from their superb Strontium Dog release, a Judge Dredd game is in the works and on the way.


Here’s the ones I got to paint for a client. Had such a blast on these 3! Aprt from getting rid of the horrid retro metal tab bases so I could mount them onto some MAS bases. That part was a pain in the files 😉

Blast from the past

Well that was bloody irritating – somethign turned all the photos on their sides. Fixed now I think……….

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