Resolution 2019: Mythic Battles Pantheon
Heroes of the Trojan War and Oepidus: finished
The cloaks were painted apothecary white.
The skin was painted bugman’s glow, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted cadian fleshtone followed by kislev flesh.
Brown areas were painted in one of three ways. Either mournefang brown followed by agrax earthshade and highlighted skrag brown. Or rhinox hide and then highlighted doombull brown. Or XV-88 followed by a seraphim sepia wash and with a highlight of tausept ochre.
The black areas of Oepidus were undercoated with a chaos black spray and then highlighted with skavenblight dinge.
The brown cloaks had a zandri dust undercoat, seraphim sepia wash then a highlight of ushabti bone.
The bronze areas were basecoated warplock bronze then highlighted brass scorpion.
The gold areas were basecoated retributor armour, washed reikland fleshshade, then highlighted auric armour gold.
The steel areas were basecoated leadbelcher, washed nuln oil, then highlighted ironbreaker followed by runefang steel.
They look amazing great job, I’m afraid my collection will stay Grey?, at least for now