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Kitbash plans

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Kitbash plans

Gripping Beast viking turned into an Auxiliary. Not sure if they ever used this face mask or these circular shields from the veteran sprue, but just wanted to try and stretch the sprue as far as I could and try out a colour scheme.
Used Contrast paints to speed things up. I used the Flesh Eater Red on the trousers, used the Wyldwood browd on the spear shaft and Dark Angel Green on the top.

I asked whether this was all feasible with Dark Age kits on the SPQR Facebook page and those that commented seem positive.

I will also be using the too many Wargames Factory minis I have to make some Celts.

Kitbash plans

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Good to see some SPQR action in the projects, will be a while before I get onto mine though. I like the model, and it works for me. Logically, soldiers would have equipped themselves with whatever they could get their hands on. If you killed someone with a nice facemask and were lucky enough to pick it up and not have someone bigger or more important take it from you, surely you would wear it to help keep your good looks and keep you alive – unless, of course, you used it to pay for wine and hookers. I also… Read more »

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