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40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

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Converting the Venerable Dreadnought

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I’ve finished the shading on the 3rd Intercessor squad, but I decided to move on to assembling the Venerable Dreadnought from the Start Collecting box to break things up a little.

I started off just doing the basic assembly on the torso and the legs. With the torso I had to cut down one of the sarcophagi chambers in order to get the conversion plate to fit. Upon adding it the body piece I found that the marine body sculpted on it was preventing a flush fit, so a bit of careful clipper work and some filing I got enough clearance for a flush fit.

The shin plates were also going to be an issue on their own, so I ended up just mounting them on a set of the existing plastic plates provided which has basically just added a thin layer of armour plating below the conversion piece.

I’m going to start work on the arms, but It’ll be back to sorting through the wife’s Space Wolves bits looking for a multi-melta I can fit. I’m sticking with the theme of flamers and meltas for the Salamanders.

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