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The Scheme

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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The Scheme
The Scheme

The Citadel Contrast paints helped speed things up. The Flesh Eater Red is great for the tunics and went down really well.

I used the Guilliman flesh colour initially and then ended up doing a lot of Army Painter Barbarian Flesh highlight.

Just felt it was too thin. I had used a desert yellow primer and it wasn’t convincing as a skin tone.
Maybe the official primer or a matt white the Guilliman might have been OK.

For the back of the the shields I used the Aggaros brown.

For the sword scabbards I used the really dark drown in the range (begins with W?)

For the sandles part of the leg I used darkoath flesh.

I have seen a few missed bits once I started taking photos, but I chose to heavy Nulin Oil the armour over the primer then heavy dry brushed the Leadbelcher armour on. Seemed to go easier that way.

I know it makes more sense to do washes over base colours, but being new to the models and the era it also drew out all the detail so I could see what details I should be painting far better.


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