Building a pub interior by Jo from Oathsworn
Part 8
The finishing touches…I felt the fireplace looked a bit bare so I cut up some balsa-wood, dowel & a wooden skewer for the firewood, I also grabbed some green stuff ready to add a few flames.
I then glued the wooden pieces together and left them to dry.
Next I added a few flames with the green stuff and glued it all into position in the fireplace.
Now everything’s ready for a splash of paint!
Fantastic work Jo, its great to see a master of her craft at work.
(quietly creeps off having stolen ideas to incorporate into his own project….)
Cheers Andy! I had loads of fun with it 🙂
Some otterly amazing work and no need to badger you with questions, as you have explain everything so well! Now to imagine all the wonderful beers that would exist in a world of animals, Hop Mouse 13, Toadweiser, Newrat Brown Ale, Red Stoat, Moosegat Duvel, Redhawk… I’ll stop now, getting thirsty!
Ha ha, the more the merrier 😀
Really lovely set, I hope the playtesting goes well!
Thanks Pete, I’m painting it in between packing orders and all the other bits & bobs I have to do, but it’s looking good so far. Can’t wait to actually get it on the gaming table 🙂