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40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

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Magnetising Dreadnought, Conversion bits arrive and beginning the 3rd Intercessor squad

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I had a bit of a break yesterday after the Hobby Weekend, but got started up again today. The title pretty much says it all.

I started the day magnetising the Redemptor Dreadnought. I had a bit of a mishap with the main weapon arm, and while it still holds I’m thinking a collar of green stuff will fix the issue. I’ve touched up the primer coat since the photos.

As I was finishing off that, the postie arrived and my parcel from Spellcrow arrived. The cloaks (I got 5) I’m planning on using on the captains and lieutenants. The loincloths (10) I’m adding the squad sergeants to the mix. The tactical squad from the Start Collecting box will be getting five out of the ten shoulder pads and I’ll pick up another set of some sort of old school marine squad for them. The dreadnought from the Start Collecting box will also be getting some Salamander bits.

Finally I’ve knocked over the base coat of Waaagh! Flesh on the power armour. I’ve got an extra day off up my sleeve this week thanks to a public holiday so I’m planning to get a decent amount of work done on them.

Magnetising Dreadnought, Conversion bits arrive and beginning the 3rd Intercessor squad

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