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Tanks for the Memories

Tanks for the Memories

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Progress! - Getting Dirty

Tutoring 6
Skill 5
Idea 4

Finally I’m able to do some hobby this fine hobby weekend.

Today it is all about weathering.


For this, I’m using enamel weathering paints from Mig, AK and Abteilung 502


Odourless Thinner because it’s just nice to use and doesn’t stink the house out.

Mig Streaking for Panzer Grey. This is a dark, oily colour I use for buts that look like they should be oily, such as wheel hubs and the like.

AK Dark Grime, great for giving a general dirty look.


Progress! - Getting Dirty

Weathering with oils and enamels is great for two reasons. In my opinion it’s easier that with acrylics, and if you make a mistake, because drying times are so long, you can take it all off again if you decide you don’t like it, even the next day.

You need some enamel or oil paint in a suitable colour, some appropriate thinners, and two brushes.

If you are planning on doing this, an important first step:

Gloss Varnish the entire model to protect your acrylic paintwork before going near it with enamels or oils.


After that, you just dot the weathering colour around where you want the streaks and stains to begin, like this.

Progress! - Getting Dirty

Then it’s time to manipulate the paint.

You want a flat brush, wet it with the thinners, then dry the excess on a paper towel, brush should be damp, not wet as you just end up with a wash rather than dirt streaks.

Then you just drag the paint in the direction you want streaks. Oils and enamels take ages to dry, so you can keep comping back and doing more until you get the effect you want.


Here is my Stormlord after an application of general grime.

Then I added the oily coloured streaking to other parts and did the same with them.

I’m still working on this, but thought I’d get something up to show what I’m doing, here is where I am.

Now it’s just a question of working around all the parts of the tank to get everything grimy and then on to tracks, wheels and mud!

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Cult of Games Member

Having just started my first Imperial Guard Unit this weekend I might be in the market for a good sized tank.

How many versions of this tank chassis are there?


Cheers for sharing this, good knowledge and very helpful for the community.

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