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Clearly to make what I have playable I will need some rules etc.

The Full rulebook is around £40 bit too much as not sure I want to invest that much upfront, so looking at the “getting started” the new Battleboxes have miniatures and mini rulebook, looking at the 2 starters:

The Menoth Battlegroup Starter 

4 Highly Detailed, Single-coloured Plastic Miniatures with Stat Cards
Warcaster Malekus the Burning Truth
Repenter Light Warjack
Revenger Light Warjack
Castigator Heavy Warjack
• Basic Training Tutorial Guide
• Battle Map
• Introductory Guide
• WARMACHINE: Prime Rules Digest
• 18” Ruler
• 4 Six-sided Dice
• 10 Focus Tokens
• 3 Spell Tokens
• Obstacle Card

The Khador Battlegroup Starter 

• 3 Highly Detailed, Single-coloured Plastic Miniatures with Stat Cards
Warcaster Lord Kozlov
Decimator Heavy Warjack
Juggernaut Heavy Warjack
• Basic Training Tutorial Guide
• Battle Map
• Introductory Guide
• WARMACHINE: Prime Rules Digest
• 18” Ruler
• 4 Six-sided Dice
• 10 Focus Tokens
• 3 Spell Tokens
• Obstacle Card

So both have a different Warcaster and 1 different warjack, so it would appear whichever one I see for a reasonable price is what I will get.
So they will be added to my Wish List


The Protectorate of Menoth usually referred to simply as the Protectorate, is a fundamentalist theocracy and the youngest of the Iron Kingdoms, so a kind of steam punk Vatican.
Warcaster High Exemplar Kreoss is a fiery (literally per his spells) paragon of valour for the armies of the Protectorate, Mikael Kreoss was raised in Khador as a devout Menite. He heeded the call to arms and left his homeland to help lead the cause for his faith. A hero to all in the Protectorate and a skilled leader and general to the Exemplar Order.

Khador  background per Iron Kingdoms fandom site  appears to be a kind of pre-revolutionary Russian monarchy which matches the box art style.
The Warcaster Sorscha Kratikoff is apparently one of the premier users of ice magic in Khador, and is known for being a very cold and uncompromising woman. (So a soviet style and maybe snow and ice themed bases).

So thematically we have “fire & ice” lucky coincidence of purchases…..

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