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Tanks for the Memories

Tanks for the Memories

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Now for some Colour!

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Probably should mention I’m building a Shadowsword.


I already have a Baneblade, nothing like this though, mine was from the original batch from Forgeworld in the early 2000’s. It was at least double the price of this one, and nowhere near as detailed.


Anyway, back to the project. On my regular painting project there is an example of a Leman Russ painted in the colours I use for the Imperial Guard. Its light and medium blue green, they are colours used on the Russian SU34 plane, and they are so vibrant I love how they look on the tanks.


Painting is straightforward, start with an even coat of the medium blue green all over, being careful to leave it thin enough so that the pre-shading still shows through. Then, go to the light version of the colour, and add some tonal variation.


I don;t have set rules for where I put the lighter colour, just what seems right when I’m doing it. This is what I ended up with.

All I’ve done after that is applied gloss varnish over the whole model to seal it all in.


The plan is to start some weathering on Sunday when I get a few hours for hobby as I follow along the live stream

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Thanks for sharing your processes. I have two of these at home half built but am too intimidated to put paint on them.

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