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Tanks for the Memories

Tanks for the Memories

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Start at the Beginning - Almost

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So with the hobby weekend coming up, and a Baneblade kit freshly arrived at my house from the OnTabletop store, it seems rude not to do something with it.

I don’t have the time to follow along all weekend, so a bit of cheating on my part, I made a start last Sunday, put the kit together and got the airbrush work done for the most part.

No one needs to see pictures of the mountain of plastic, so we’ll start after I’ve primed and pre-shaded it.


Pre-shading is often used in scale modelling, the idea is simple, you spray lines in a darker colour than your paint coat to areas where muck and dirt would build, or where areas would wear.

Then, when you spray your topcoat on, the darker tones show through enough to give some shading to the finished model. It’s used a lot on plane models, but the beuty is its really easy, just blast some paint on and there you go.


Check out any scale modelling forum and you will often see very precise lines and even lines for pre-shading, which looks very impressive in terms of airbrush skills, but really doesn’t help the model. Wear and dirt are not uniform, neither should your model shading, it ends up looking odd.

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