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Vietnam 1965-75 Hex & Counter (Victory Games)

Vietnam 1965-75 Hex & Counter (Victory Games)

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Game Introduction

Tutoring 2
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Idea 2
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The hard copy game is played on two 34×22″ sheets with a hex map of Vietnam and numerous charts and tables. Some scenarios allowed the use of one map overlapped on the other, but the larger scenarios and campaign game required both. The Vassal module combines this into a single screen that is a close approximation of the physical layout, with some tables and record counters added and rearranged.

VASSAL Map overviewVASSAL Map overview

The campaign game encompasses military and political aspects of the war playing either as US-controlled forces  (USA, ARVN, Free World Allies) or as the National Liberation Front – NLF (North Vietnamese Army, Viet Cong). US morale is changed by game events, the ARVN army can be improved and provisioned, naval blockades limit the supplies getting to the NLF forces, Ho Chi Minh Trail effectiveness is abstracted to infiltrate forces deep along the Cambodia or Laos borders, strategic bombing of the North slows their build-up, South Vietnamese political and army leaders are modelled in different factions that can change over time and even initiate coups … the game was deep.

For the US player, the campaign is a balance between commitment (US resources in country, ARVN support) and morale back home. Morale is constantly decreasing and can drop quicker from heavy build-up of US forces, US losses, unrestrained bombing, or invasions of Laos or Cambodia. US commitment can never exceed morale. The US player is forced to act to maintain control of the population in each of the 35 regions on the map to ensure adequate supplies and manpower are available for the ARVN improvements, allowing them to replace US forces as morale drops. Control of towns, capitals and cultivated areas is key to ensure the population’s support.

The campaign game is won if the NLF player ever captures Saigon or controls a significant portion of South Vietnam population. The US player wins if they survive through spring 1975. Each year is split into 4 seasons and each season has 2 turns. A political phase occurs between seasons which modifies morale, commitment and population control.

Terrain and Combat tablesTerrain and Combat tables

The NLF player can build a strong and effective North Vietnamese army as well as the Viet Cong. VC can be deployed in areas of South Vietnam with friendly support from the population, can be formed in North Vietnam, or can infiltrate along the Ho Chi Minh Trail – an abstracted path that runs near the Cambodia/Laos border. Resources can be spent to improve it for movements and supplies, though the US player can devote resources to degrade and interdict the trail.

However the forces arrive on the map, the NLF player has some distinct advantages. They always choose who will take the next operation, to replicate the corruption of the civilian and military government as well as the aid of sympathizers. This allows them to focus on objectives, limiting the US player to defensive actions. If a battle turns in the US favour, though, by activating reserves and applying artillery or air support, they have inherent pursuit bonuses that can allow them to chase down and overrun retreating NLF forces.

The VC forces are also deployed face down, their type and strengths hidden from the US player until engaged in combat. The VC player also gets some dummy counters that can be used to mask where their real strength lies. A third tool is that if a stack containing VC counters is targeted by a US operation, the NLF player gets to make an alert roll that could allow them to disperse or move out of danger before the US forces ever reach them.

The NLF player can rarely take the fight directly to the US player, but are hard to track down and eliminate. This allows them to remain on board to control the SVN population in an effort to win.

South Vietnam and Campaign Political Leader tracksSouth Vietnam and Campaign Political Leader tracks

The US player has a large array of ground forces to deploy, ranging from Marines, infantry, mechanized and airmobile troops. These can be used in 3 deployments:

Brigade level – entire formation as a single counter
Brigade HQ – 3 ground battalion counters with an additional HQ counter with artillery support
Alternate – 3 ground counters with brigade artillery split between them.

US Deployment alternativesUS Deployment alternatives

Each deployment has advantages depending on the role. The single counter is stronger when massed then when broken down, but it’s zone of control if limited to only the 6 surrounding hexes. Other deployments allow a spread of force that can slow the enemy’s movement through aggressive patrolling.

The US player has an array of independent artillery that can be brought onto the board, air points for tactical or strategic support, airmobile and riverine points to move troops quickly or enhance their pursuit through difficult terrain, and even a limited number of cruisers and a battleship that can provide bombardment support near the coast.

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Cult of Games Member

Oh HELL yeah @donimator ! Now THAT’S a game! I love how the advent of computers and the internet has given a new lease on life for these older hex & counter designs from back in the day. Great addition to the projects page!

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