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40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

40K Hobby Weekend - Fireblarney's Salamanders

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Base coat, wash and start of first highlight plus a brief ramble :)

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
1 Comment

Sat down after work yesterday to finish off the base coating for a second unit of Intercessors and going through and fixing the backpacks on the current unit. As you can see in the picture it’s given them a much less fluorescent look to the Salamanders which I instantly came to prefer.

Base coat, wash and start of first highlight plus a brief ramble :)

I was considering sitting down and beginning to assemble my Start Collecting box today, however once I’d bought my digital ticket and settled on Salamanders I started looking around for some conversion pieces. I’ve never really felt the urge to convert anything before so I have exactly zero bits boxes. After a bit of a google search I ended up ordering some Salamandra/Dragon Space Knight bits from Spellcrow. Specifically some cloaks, tabards, one set of shoulder pads and a dreadnought conversion kit, so I’m kind of holding off on the chance that they turn up before hand. I also after much deliberation (Australian Forge World pricing and postage is a killer) I’ve gone and picked up a set of Salamander decals as well, can’t see them turning up till Monday at the earliest though.


Assembling put on hold I ended up putting in a good two hours of painting after dinner and I’ve finished off the shade coats and got all but two marines finished with the first highlight coat on the power armour. The following pictures show roughly my process in getting them to this point, again I’m just following the citadel app for the recipes and muddling through as well as I can.

Base coat, wash and start of first highlight plus a brief ramble :)

Prime coat down with an airbrush using a Vallejo black primer

Base coat, wash and start of first highlight plus a brief ramble :)

Base colours done. Power armour with Waaagh! Flesh, Imperial crest with Retributor Armour, Gunmetal with Leadbelcher, Black areas with Abaddon Black, Purity seals with Mephiston Red and Parchment with Rakarth Flesh.

Base coat, wash and start of first highlight plus a brief ramble :)

Shading is done with Nuln Oil on the Armour and Gunmetal areas, the seals and parchment are done with Agrax Earthshade and the Crest with Reikland Fleshshade.

Base coat, wash and start of first highlight plus a brief ramble :)

This final shot is a marine with the power armour first highlight completed (on the left) next to a shaded marine. The highlight coat is done with Warpstone Glow. I’ve been watering it down a touch and basically over brushing with downward strokes to apply it, as it drys I move any pooling areas around or spread it out slightly to try to get a sort of opaque layer. It’s something I need more practice with, but I already feel with this second unit I’m getting the effect I’m looking for a little easier than the first one.


That’s it for today, fingers crossed my bits turn up in the mail tomorrow. Otherwise I’m going to push to get these guys finished off after work.

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The skin looks great, any chance of tutoring for it?

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