The Sylvaneth of Springash - army log
Update: the Scourging of Springash begins...
I split a Wrath and Rapture box with a friend, and got the Khornate side of the deal. From the outset, I knew I didn’t want them to be red, because every Khorne daemon and his uncle is red.
I also thought it would be fun to pitch this army as an adversary to my Sylvaneth, which definitely fits given that they live in Aqshy, Khorne’s favoured realm. Given that tree-folk probably don’t bleed red, this adds additional credence to my non-studio paint scheme. 😛
Karanak here was just a tester, and an excuse to try out some Contrast paints, and I like how he turned out, for the most part. There are more Sylvaneth to come, but from here on out this log will also contain the occasional bit of Khornate khonent, whether that be miniatures or some fluff exploring the Springash Enclaves struggle against the daemonic children of Khorne.
First things first though, what next? I’ve got Drycha and a unit of Flesh Hounds assembled. Who to choose? 😀
Thanks for looking <3
I like your colour choice for the Khorne hound.