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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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There and Back Again...

Tutoring 21
Skill 28
Idea 26

As soon as I saw the parchment pieces in the Barracks set I knew what one of them had to be, the map from the front of The Hobbit, or as I think of it, Bilbo’s Map.  As fellow Tolkieniphiles  I think @brennon and @dracs will appreciate this one.


I wanted to show it at an upcoming convention, KublaCon but it lacked something all on it’s own.  That’s when I realized I could just Blu-Tac Terrain Crate pieces together to make a nice frame work.  To be honest, there was less of the Blu-Tac showing when I entered it and it has gotten a little messy since.  Add in one Bones4 Dungeon Tile and I had a vignette.  I have to admit that while I am pleased with the display solution it is the map itself I’m proudest of.  It came out better than I thought my old eyes and arthritic hands could muster.  Chuffed to say that despite the BluTac it earned a gold.

Now, what am I going to paint on the other two parchments?

Start with the parchment and basic details.Start with the parchment and basic details.
"Mirkwood" is written with a 0 brush. The key is a clean, fine tip and bristles long enough to hold some moisture.
I actually freehanded most of it after penciling in lines for the mountains, road and forest.I actually freehanded most of it after penciling in lines for the mountains, road and forest.
Here is the piece in hand for scaleHere is the piece in hand for scale
The pieces really work together beautifully.The pieces really work together beautifully.
There and Back Again...
There and Back Again...
There and Back Again...
There and Back Again...
How could I not name the book There and Back Again? It's like they planned it.  Thank goodness for wet pallets.How could I not name the book There and Back Again? It's like they planned it. Thank goodness for wet pallets.
Finally, some 25mm minis for scale.Finally, some 25mm minis for scale.

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Teiszebraoutrider144artistsundancerRobert Recent comment authors
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Wonderful work! Great attention to detail.

Cult of Games Member

That table rocks 8) Did Sam ever respond to it? 😉

Cult of Games Member

Fantastic freehand work. You have an eye for fine detail and obviously the patience to perfect a miniature masterpiece. This is perhaps one of my favourite examples of miniature painting I’ve seen in the current active projects in this community. Inspiring.

Cult of Games Member

Really good work on the map. I was painting up the same one (used it for Napoleonics though) and found it super difficult actually. Not just the free-handing but also “what did a map look like in 1812”. Found some nice reference online. Anyways, really nice work 🙂

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