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Hoth Yourself a Very Merry Giftmas

Hoth Yourself a Very Merry Giftmas

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It Begins... at the beginning

Tutoring 1
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Idea 1
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I’ve thought about how last time around I messed with Herr Pundancer (aka Sundancer) with the Santa Fett that got kicked off with a random Weekender thread that went a little mad. Ok, it went pretty wild as I got into discussion with another forum member and conspired internationally to deliver a figure overseas as a gag gift. Honestly, it was the best fun that I’ve ever had in prep, mod and paint of a model. This is an exercise of fun for me that I do not believe can be substituted in the sense of camaraderie I’ve found in these forums.

I’ve teased the idea that he would get wookies in the ugliest of sweaters which incited the best of reactions of utter refusal. Then I thought to myself that sending a set of Jedi related “Mystic warriors” from Hasslefree minis as I can continue being polite to involve family as gift receivers. I finally set myself on the idea that, since my last shipment to the Beasts of Tabletop was a bit pricey, it might be best to settle for a single kit gift. In all honesty its also another project to put the gloss metallics to use other than the Giftmas decorations for the Bad Santa from the seemingly defunct Spanish company Enigma miniatures and a Krampus mini from Signum that I keep putting off.

Now time to order the figures and consider what oddity I can add to the minis. No @evilstu to implicate as well on delivering merry mayhem. Its all me and I’ve already got the idea of tossing on a string of ornaments hanging from the horns of the tauntons and some long flowing scarves from the troopers. Sitting for a moment knit caps for the troopers with a puff on top might work but there’s a nagging feeling that ushanka style fur hats with floppy fur ear coverings could be better. This will be hashed out later. Gift boxes on the backs of the tauntauns might be fitting as well but that’s iffy for the moment until I get them in hand. The last time I did this the small Giftmas tree on the jetpack was an honest out-of-the-blue random thought so serendipity will be allowed its due here too.

Interesting, it seems that genius and insanity seem to be a hair's breadth away from each otherInteresting, it seems that genius and insanity seem to be a hair's breadth away from each other

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