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Fallout Wasteland Warfare Painting Progress

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Painting Progress

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Robots roll out!

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8

The next faction I decided to work on was the Robots, while these are their own faction they also make great NPC/Enemies in the RPG adaptation of Wasteland Warfare I am running.  Rather than GW Contrast paints for these I used primarily airbrush work with salt chipping and then brush work for the details.

As with the Super Mutants I started with the biggest model, the Sentry Bot.  This beast is the most powerful of the robots with a mini gun and rocket launcher arm.  He comes with an extra mini gun for the dual mini gun varient so I magnetized his right arm in case I ever wanted to swap.  I mostly used Vallejo paints for these guys, priming and then doing an under coat of Rust Air paint.  After this dryed I applied water to the armor parts to weather and rolled him around in a zip lock bag filled with salt.  I like to use a mix of traditional fine grain salt as well as larger sea or kosher to get a nice variation of patches.  Once this dried I used my airbrush with no paint to blow off the really loose parts and then used USMC Green a the top coat.  After drying I simply flaked off the salt and instant weathering.  this creates a very basic weathering scheme that I then updated with a brown wash, then Vallejo Rust effects built up in a few places with a game colour rust dry brush.  Guns and the under chasis are dark gray with metallic highlights. For the eye I used contrast blood angels red with a top coat of the Spirit Stone red techincal paint to have the red glow spilling out over the armor.

The next up were the Assualtron models, these lovely ladies of death have 3 different poses so there is some nice variation including 2 diff weapon loadouts.  I painted these up the same as the Sentry Bot as they are most commonly seen along with that model in Fallout 4 around military bases.

The Protectrons also underwent the salt chipping method however for their top coat as they are a civilian unit I wanted to copy their basic greenish tan from the game.  I mixed some green wash with a tan I had made previously for airbrushing from a Vallejo game color and I think that captured the look nicely.  I also tried using some crackle medium on top of the domes to simulate cracked glass but that did not work quite as well.

Next up were the Mr Handy’s.  These were pretty simple as I decided to go for the basic metallic variant instead of the white of C.U.R.I.E. so I did a quick coat of GW Air Runefang Steel for a chrome look then applied my Vallejo weathering Effects and drybrush/brown washes as with the other models.  Prior to painting I did manage to break the grasper arms trying to remove the resin between the pincers, some plasticard fixed that nicely.  I also decided to replace the resin post with some GW clear flight pegs so they’d look better as they float along on their jets.  The flame colours are contrast red and yellow blended where they meet.

The last ones I did were the Eyebots.  These were pretty simple as well as with the Mr Handy’s I just started with airbrushing Runefang Silver as a base then applying the weathering effects.  Interestingly enough these actually came with clear flight pegs so I did not have to swap them out.

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omega1976kharegim Recent comment authors
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Another fantastic looking faction, I’m really digging your warbands!

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